

Questionnaire items

Platform business risk

1. product risk

X1 prices of online product are more transparent X2 higher degree homogeneity of online product

2. risk of cooperate with online and offline

X3 conflict of online and offline business X4 conflict of online and offline channel

3. logistics distribution risk

X5 development of logistics system development lag X6 complex distribution process X7 high cost of distribution

4. marketing campaign risk

X8 the poor ability of network marketing integration X9 the high expenses of network marketing

5. customer service risk

X10 customer service is not professional

6. consumers risk

X11 the phenomenon of consumers compare prices are serious

7. collaboration risk

X12 lack of demand for e-business partners

8. competetitive risk

X13 fierce competition between online and offline peer

Management risk

9. organizational structure risk

X14 the original functions are facing change and recombination X15 the conflict of interest between electricity and other departments

10. organizational planning risk

X16 the lack of internal and external trends’ analysis X17 the objectives of development of e-business is not clear

11. executives risk

X18 the lack of awareness of e-business executives X19 the lack of executives’ support and cooperation

12. risk of corporate members

X20 the lack of outstanding e-business talents

Information technology risk

13. information system risk

X21 e-business background system is not perfect X22 e-business background system docking with front shops and offline systems is difficult

14. website construction risk

X23 website's construction ignores the brand, quality and interactive X24 website haven’t been optimized continuously

15. data security risk

X25 data information has been stolen by hackers

16. data analysis risk

X26 the analysis and application of data hasn’t been seriously